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New Lifestyle Interior Design and Decor


Phone (214) 246-0566
Address 25 Highland Park Village,
Dallas, TX 75205 United States


New Lifestyle Interior Design and Decor is a “full-service” interior decorating company in Dallas Texas. The company is based on creative talent, reliability and dedication to ensure client satisfaction. All levels of projects are handled with the same high degree of professionalism and attention to detail. New Lifestyle Interiors has the capability and the knowledge to handle most all of your design needs. We specialize in working with architects and builders, remodeling projects, staging your home in preparation of listing it for sale, setting up your new home, consulting with you on your paint colors, flooring, furniture, lighting, window treatments, accessories, etc.

New Lifestyle Interior Design and Decor is experienced with all different styles & designs that a client might prefer, from ultra contemporary to classic traditional and everything in-between.

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