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Vista Harwood Shutters Inc.


Phone (925) 449-7951
Address 5963 Graham Ct Ste C,
Livermore, CA 94550 United States


We are NOT another reseller... we are a custom fabrication shop working in only the highest quality furniture grade hardwoods with beautiful lifetime guaranteed Dura-Poxy finishes. Our shutters are specifically made to withstand a life in the sun.

Vista Hardwood Shutters, Inc., has been serving the Tri-Valley and Diablo Valley communities of Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon, Danville and Alamo, along with Walnut Creek and the La-orinda area for 22 years.

Over 10,000 clients served over those 22 years, without garnering a SINGLE complaint to the BBB...proof of our dedication to your satisfaction !

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